Friday, October 31, 2008 who is this?

I became friends with Sara Clinton and her mom Sue a couple
of years ago when I did Sara's Senior portraits. Last week Sue called and said Sara is in town
(she is attending Questa)
and she wanted a portrait session at the park
with her very special young man.
We did the usual fun shots...and then the kids
suggested this.
Uniquely theirs....!!!!

Mia Biscay - the little lady of the day!

Mia Biscay is the daughter of Nick and Lauren who
had a studio session last week with everything girl!
When the family came in for their previewing session
yesterday - Mia stole the show by taking multiple steps
across the viewing room. Apparently she chose today
as the day to begin truly walking.
Yea Mia!

Precious Moments

The FauntLeRoy children are sharing a special moment with their Nana.

Katie wanted a studio session with her charming daughters
Dakota and Savanna....spending time with their grandparents with no posing.
This is a type of family session that is rare - and we were so eager to get to it!
We threw whatever white we had in the studio into the set...
and had fun watching and capturing the children and grandparents interacting !!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Buchanan Seniors - 2009

Brea and I recently had a fun session
with these four Buchanan Seniors...
Debbie Wirawan (sports - karate and in leadership)
Kelsey Gagliardi (sports - basketball and in leadership)
Kathleen Carlson (loves running and in school choir)
and Kristyn Perry (involved in pep and cheer, ballet)
These young women impressed us with their style, character and goals for success.
Girls ... you Rock!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Introducing infant Lauren Wisniowski

I am happy to introduce Lauren Wisniowski to the world
Born 9/4/2008 to Josh and Jennifer, joining little brother Tyler.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

...and just in case you are wondering...

Yes...we can do Christmas cards for you!

Fall Family Portraits...

Join us November 8th and 9th for a mini family photo session
in the fall leaves at Woodward Park.

Session Fee - $50 and minimum order only $100.
We have special gift print pricing for you this week-end
so call right away (435-5600) to reserve your spot.
A small deposit is required.

Little Ben

At Garden Gate Photography, we love babies!
I first met Ben while he still resting in mommy's tummy. When Sandy Puc was in town for her Babies and Bellies tour - baby Ben was her infant model. Recently mommy Jaclyn and Ben visited our new studio - and just look how cute he is! Look at those baby blue eyes!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Calli and Paul Erickson

Calli Grover became Mrs. Paul Erickson this summer. The wedding was held at the People's Church chapel with the reception following at the Fig Garden Swim and Raquet Club.

Paul and Calli are one the most fun couples I know...always ready to play and game for anything.

Calli got ready for the day at a friends beautiful home in Clovis - and then everyone headed to the park for "the MOMENT". Between ceremony and reception - we stopped traffic in the Fig Garden area for this limo shot...

Wee One

I recently had a fun session with the Miranda family in our studio.
Little Kristyn has a serious side, but look oh my goodness... what a sweetheart she is!
Children are always so much fun to observe and
I love the challenge of bringing out their little personalities.