Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Laura and Vance Harris

Yosemite is a popular location for weddings this year...Laura and Vance were married on April 11, 2008 with their ceremony in the Chapel, and champagne toasts after on the bridge.

Jessica and Todd

Jessica (Allen) and Todd Elrod were recently married in one of the most beautiful backyard weddings ever. Todd has been in Ranger school in Georgia, and he and Jessica returned back to the Fresno area at 4:00 a.m. the day of their wedding! Though a bit weary, this young couple was amazing. Todd expects to be deployed to Iraq soon - so they are cherishing their days together. My prayers are with Todd for a safe return home, soon.

and here is Chris...

Chris Burright is a Senior at Clovis West. This gentleman is a world-class writer ... one of these days we might be hearing ad campaigns authored by Chris. We had a fun session with his new red Jeep...

Seniors Rock!

I love Seniors!!!! This wonderful young man is Aram DeLa Cruz from Clovis East..handsome and as nice as they come!

Jeanne and Dodge

What a fun couple Jeanne and Ryan Dodge (from the Bay area) are. This was a destination wedding for them - a very intimate and special day. The ceremony was at Erna's Elderberry House in Oakhurst...and for fun we drove into Yosemite Valley for a couple of hours. We stopped along the way at Wawona and they hiked down the hill to stand in front the covered bridge. And then we drove into the valley - neither had ever visited Yosemite before, and they seemed in awe of the majesty and splendor of scenery.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Catching Up...

I can't believe that it has been over six months since I blogged...I have found "blogging" to be one of those tasks that fall to the bottom of the list of to-do's as the tyranny of the urgent takes precidence over so many facets of my life!

We are in the beginning of "wedding season" - with 5 weddings happening the first two weeks of April...two of them were involved fun trips to Yosemite. Will try to post a few of the fun images from each of the weddings as I get going again.

We are looking for studio space - about 1200 sq. feet - this task is not as easy as you might think! We want a viewing room as well as a camera room, and a location that is comfortable and quiet, while at the same time easy access. Tally ho!

The grandkids are! Emily will be 4 years old this coming week, with the little guys (Jonah and Logan) now a fun and active 2 1/2. And speaking of...I am being asked to go "sit in grandma's car" bye for now!