Monday, April 21, 2008

Catching Up...

I can't believe that it has been over six months since I blogged...I have found "blogging" to be one of those tasks that fall to the bottom of the list of to-do's as the tyranny of the urgent takes precidence over so many facets of my life!

We are in the beginning of "wedding season" - with 5 weddings happening the first two weeks of April...two of them were involved fun trips to Yosemite. Will try to post a few of the fun images from each of the weddings as I get going again.

We are looking for studio space - about 1200 sq. feet - this task is not as easy as you might think! We want a viewing room as well as a camera room, and a location that is comfortable and quiet, while at the same time easy access. Tally ho!

The grandkids are! Emily will be 4 years old this coming week, with the little guys (Jonah and Logan) now a fun and active 2 1/2. And speaking of...I am being asked to go "sit in grandma's car" bye for now!

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