Saturday, May 3, 2008

Texas School of Photography

As a member of PPA (Professional Photographers of America) I recently learned about Texas School ("the best little photography school in the world") held in College Station, Texas (home of Texas A&M - go Aggies!!).

With about 50 world class professional photographer's as instructors - I applied as a student with Rick and Deb Ferro from Florida. I have a few of their books and knew they would be awesome instructors. Because my flight from Fresno took literally all day, I missed some of Sunday's activities, but arrived just in time for a spectacular meeting in the campus theater. I had NO idea what to expect. There were over 1,000 excited people in the room - 995 of them students from four countries.

Classes began at 8:30 sharp every morning and ended at 5:30 - with dinner and evening entertainment from 6:30 to late late - I generally crawled into bed about midnight. We visited the Texas Hall of Fame (okay - I thought it was a museum (it isn't)) and the George Bush Library where we had an evening session on the grounds.

Rick and Deborah are wonderful people and very talented world class artists. Rick is a wedding photographer and Deborah photographs children and is a Photoshop and Corel expert. We were provided with models for both wedding and children photography and full studio lighting for demonstration and practice.

Surrounded by like-minded, passionate, talented people for a week from all over the country was wonderful and I go home with several new friends. Even though we live in different states I know we will stay in touch and see one another next year at Texas School. But for now, I am anxious to go home to my family and to put into practice new techniques learned.

Thank you to Rick and Deb, as well as Wranglers, fellow students, and the residents of College Station for your hospitality!!!

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