Thursday, March 19, 2009




either go to my website

and enter



Friday, January 23, 2009

Engaged ~ Kari & Justtin

Kari and Justin have a wedding date of July 25th...
I love it when couples want to do something different and I
am always ready to go urban! Even more, I love the time
we spend getting to know each other...

Friday, January 9, 2009

Time to Play

A few days after Christmas - I hung up my camera (well, off the clock anyway) and drove up the mountain to Shaver Lake with my husband Dean and 3 year old grandson Logan to play in the snow. I realized it had been YEARS since we had done that, maybe since our daughters were young. It seemed cold at first - but beautiful. The sky was as blue as can be, the air crisp and the snow quite crunchy. After climbing up and down a little hill or two we warmed up and were ready to make snow angels and scoot down the hill on our shiny new plastic red sled. Those babies go fast!
After several runs, an almost collision with a pine tree (not me, grandpa) a runny nose (mine) a short snowball fight, and cold hands... we enjoyed a hot chocolate at Trappers and then headed on down the hill to home. Truly a wonderful day - now I am hoping we can sneak Emily and Jonah away from their parents and make another trip with all three of the grandkids - are we crazy? Yeah, but aren't we lucky!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Abby and parents Steve and Lisa have been clients for several years now - I think since Abby was about two years old. When Lisa called several months ago to announce that they were expecting, I knew that when the time was right - we would have a great studio session with Abby and her baby brother, Hudson. I don't think I have ever had such content and cooperative children - at any age! Steve and Lisa - congratulations!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Class of 2009 - Part II

And here is Michael. This young man
loves his red car, so it was fun
incorporating his wheels into
his senior session. And yes,
he took his hat off for some special
shots for mom...just in case!

Seniors - you Rock!

Class of 2009 - Part 1

Meet Chris - graduate of the Class of 2009
I love to take soon to be graduates to downtown Fresno
for the funky urban look.
Senior portrait sessions fill up quickly - and I was
fortunate enough to have this young man and his
brother Michael surrender some precious
Christmas break hours for this session.
MaryAnne and David Esajian were married November 2007, and I had the privilege of being their wedding photographer (by the way, one of the most spectacular receptions I have witnessed - the Fresno Convention Center was transformed by the magic of the grooms mother (Karen Esajian) and her team of friends). When MaryAnne called me to make an appointment to go over her wedding album design she surprised me with the wonderful news that they are expecting a baby girl in January. S0, last week with both mothers present we had a wonderful session creating chapter one this babies special story. I even suggested (hint hint) allowing me at the delivery to photograph the birth - we'll see! I am so looking forward to the newborn session!

David - MaryAnne and grandparents - Congratulations!

Andrea and James

Congratulations to Andrea and James (Tripp) Montoya - married in Hanford on December 27th. The day was beautiful with a little chill in the morning but everyone was toasty and happy as they prepared for the day. This young couple is fun, and loved to be creative so I had a ball as their wedding photographer. Anytime I asked if we could "go play for a minute" they were game. All photography happened on the church grounds so there wasn't the typical formal session in a parklike setting but because they love different and modern (oh by the way - they raise snakes, BIG ones! Boa constrictors and the like - they brought one to the engagement session!) it was GREAT!

Andrea and James - congratulations!